Working as a part of a team has many benefits. Often your work requires collaboration, different roles, and good old teamwork. If someone invites you to join their team on Agremo App, all you have to do is follow these few simple steps.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the potential privacy issues and GDPR conflict, the holders of existing Agremo accounts will not be able to join an organization if they have existing fields and maps. In such a case, in order to join the organization, you will have to remove the fields and the maps you created and uploaded earlier to your Agremo account during the time when you weren’t a part of the Organization. System demo fields are excluded from this rulet.
You will receive a notification mail. Clicking on the ACCEPT link in the email, you will be redirected to the Agremo application. Do not delete the email as you will need it in the last step.
After redirecting, you will land on the registration page. If you don’t have an Agremo account, please click on Create an Agremo account. If you already have an Agremo account, please log in and proceed to STEP 5.
Set up your profile and preferences.
You can choose the STARTER plan and as soon as you join your organization, you can start enjoying all the benefits of its account.
Once you create an account, you will be logged in to the application.
After you have finished setting up your account and logged in to the Agremo App, the final step is to join your Organization. Go back to STEP 1 and click again on the ACCEPT link in the email. After this step, you will be a part of your Organization.