Weed Detection analysis is a precise and accurate way of discovering weed infestation in the field. By making it possible to spot weed-infested areas in time, the analysis allows you to easily create variable prescription maps, take immediate effective in-season corrective measures, optimize your weed control techniques and use proper amounts of herbicide in the right places. Ultimately, you will benefit from improved in-field equipment efficiency and increased savings on herbicides. What is more, Agremo Weed Dretection analysis is good for the environment since it helps minimize the over-application of herbicide and reduces the risk of herbicide runoff.
*According to traditional approach, the farmer would treat the whole field area (118.61 acres). Instead, with Agremo (precision solution) he will treat just the 55.37 acres.
Savings CalculatorTotal Savings $6.13 /ac
Agremo Weed Detection analysis is best applied throughout the growing season, during the pre-planting, planting, emergence, and growing stages of the plant cultivation process, as part of the regular crop monitoring cycle.
Weed Detection analysis is the most suitable for areas with typical field crops, such as sugar cane, sugar beet, rice, tomato, tobacco, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, potato, soy, wheat, barley, etc.
No credit card required
Agremo can differentiate weeds from plants, but it can’t distinguish different weed types.
Results of Agremo come provided in shapefile as well, which you can use for creating variable prescription maps.
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