If you have received a notification mail stating that your image could not be processed, don’t worry. Make sure you have eliminated the factors which usually cause analyses to fail and simply resubmit your image.
Some of the most common reasons are:
- Low-resolution image
- Low-quality image (blurry)
- More than one crop species in the image
- Object blocking area view (shadow, house, anti-hail wire)
- Poor visibility due to weather conditions (clouds)
- Premature crops (hard to detect)
- Canopy cover missing
We recommend using an RGB camera. It is very affordable and all Agremo analyses can be done with it.
Use the flight altitudes which allow you to obtain a resolution of 2.5 cm/pixel. Read more about it in the Capturing & Uploading data section.
Low resolution and a blurry map
Poorly stitched map with blurry areas
Hardly detectable premature crops
Objects blocking area view – Hail wire mash
Trees without canopy
NDVI images already processed by a 3rd party software
You can also request a flight in a few steps through the Agremo app and we will take care of the quality of your maps and help you analyze them.